



2017-10-20 18:39:00





  Established in 1965, Florida International University (FIU) is a member of the State University System of Florida and is comprised of 19 different schools and colleges. Together, these academic units offer baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degree programs in more than 190 major areas of study. The largest public university in southern Florida, FIU has campuses in western Miami-Dade County and on Biscayne Bay. University Park occupies 342 acres of lush gardens and features apartment-style and traditional residence halls, an eight-story library and an environmental preserve. The Biscayne Bay Campus encompasses nearly 200 acres, including a natural mangrove preserve, and facilities such as apartment-style housing, a library and aquatic center. Strategically located in Miami, FIU has the advantage of being at the center of it all: growth in Miami is booming, the geographical positioning of South Florida has facilitated a flourishing ocean, air transportation and logistics industry; there are over 1,000 multinationals in Miami-Dade County. It truly is the crossroads of the Americas. This ideal setting blends culture, urbanism and ethnicity with the business headquarters for many multinationals; giving way to a dynamic environment that is characterized by technology, international commerce and banking, travel and tourism, and entrepreneurship.


  Faculty staff and students

Number of academic faculty staffNumber of studentsNumber of international students
In total1682In total37362In total3292






  In 1965, Florida Senator Robert M. Haverfield introduced Senate Bill 711, which instructed the state Board of Education and the Board of Regents (BOR) to begin planning for the development of a state university in Miami.

  An abandoned airfield is an unusual place for the birth of a university. But in the summer of 1969, founding FIU president Chuck Perry gathered three leaders who would help him create his vision.

  Butler Waugh, Donald McDowell and Nick Sileo joined the 31-year-old Perry at Tamiami Airport and set up shop in the former air traffic controllers’ tower. The tower had no phones, no drinkable water and no furniture. President Perry decided that the control tower should never be destroyed and so it remains standing today at the center of campus, as FIU's Ivory Tower.

  From that single building on that abandoned airfield, FIU has grown to be one of the largest universities in the country. The spirit of entrepreneurship born on that summer day thrives at today’s FIU.

  1965年,佛罗里达参议员Robert M. Haverfield 引用参议院法案,建议州教育委员会和评议委员会在迈阿密成立一所州立大学。

  一处废弃的机场成了学校不同寻常的诞生地。在1969年夏,佛罗里达国际大学创校校长 Chuck Perry 召集了三位领导,他们帮助 Chuck Perry 实现了理念。

  在 Tamiami Airport 机场,Waugh、Donald McDowell 和 Nick Sileo三人见了Chuck Perry(校长当时31岁),并在先前的航空指挥塔台开了一家店铺。塔台当时没有电话,没有饮用水,也没有家具。但校长Chuck Perry坚持认为塔台绝不应该被毁,因此它保留了下来。今天,塔台位于佛罗里达国际大学校园中心,是学校的象牙塔。

  Our beginnings were unconventional; our opening day in 1972 continued that trend. With 5,667 students, it was the largest opening enrollment in U.S. collegiate history.

  The typical student entering FIU that year was 25, attending school full-time and working full-time. Eighty percent of the student body had just graduated from Miami-Dade Community College. Forty-three percent were married. FIU was far from your typical university.

  After seven years of leadership, President Perry left the university.

  At the end of his tenure, there were more than 10,000 students attending classes and a campus with five major buildings.



  Perry 校长任职七年后离开了学校。

  在 Perry 领导的末期,学校的学生人数超过了一万人,学校有了五栋主楼。

  In 1976, Harold Crosby became FIU's second president, agreeing to serve a three-year interim term. Under his leadership, the North Campus (now the Biscayne Bay Campus) opened in 1977. President Crosby was insistent that the “I” in FIU be highlighted, prompting the launch of new programs with an international focus and faculty recruitment from the Caribbean and Latin America. President Crosby's resignation in 1979 triggered the search for a permanent president.

  FIU's third president came with an impressive pedigree; Gregory Wolfe was a former White House statesman and president of Portland State University.

  1976年,Harold Crosby 成为第二任校长,并同意任期三年。在他的领导下,北校区(即现在的比斯坎湾)于1977年开放。Crosby 坚持认为第一人称“我”应该得到强调,于是开设了国际指向的新课程,聘用了加勒比和拉美的老师。1979年,Crosby 离职,佛罗里达国际大学因此需要一位常人校长。

  第三任校长是Gregory Wolfe。Gregory Wolfe之前是白宫的一位政治家兼波特兰州立大学校长。


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美国高中留学利与弊 留美高中毕业
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00
  想去美国埃默里大学留学的小伙伴们,你们了解过美国埃默里大学吗?和出国留学网一起来看看吧,下面是小编为您整理的美国埃默里大学全面解析的相关资讯,希望对您有帮助。  美国埃默里大学Emory University 埃默里大学(爱默里大学)建于1836年,近一个世纪以来素享有“ 南哈佛 ” 的美誉。坐落于世界名城亚特兰大,依靠国际商业大财团可口可乐董事会的巨额资本,埃默里大学奠定了其世界性学术殿堂的地位,历史上也曾是全美十大老牌名校。  美国埃默里大学学校排名  身为九大新常春藤盟校的埃默里同样是2007年Kaplan/Newsweek《How to Get into College Guide
2017-08-10 16:50:00
乔治城大学创建于1789年,是美国最古老的耶稣会天主教大学之一。校园位于 美国首都华盛顿地区的市中心,坐落在风景美丽如画的乔治城以及波多马克河边,在白宫西北面两英里左右,是美国首都华盛顿特区声誉最高的综合性私立大学。立思辰留学介绍:在享受景致及探索华盛顿首府生活的同时,学生可以获得许多特别的机会及有价值的经验,而且乔治敦大学与联邦政府的 办公厅仅咫尺之隔,许多外国使节的子女都在这儿念书,赋予了该大学很浓的国际色彩,该大学也因此而获得了“政客乐园”的称 誉。据出国留学网小编了解,乔治城大学是美国门槛最高的大学之一,录取率仅为19%,低于八所老常春藤 名校中的Corn
2017-03-08 11:56:00
攻读美国经济学博士要求 经济学博
  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  大家都知道剑桥大学是世界名校,教学水平非常高,那么,去剑桥大学都可以学哪些专业?和出国留学网小编一起来看看英国剑桥大学学院设置一览表。  剑桥大学院校设置:  剑桥大学基督学院(Christ's College,1505年建立)  剑桥大学丘吉尔学院(Churchill College,1960年建立)  剑桥大学卡莱尔学院(Clare College,1326年建立)  剑桥大学卡莱尔学堂(Clare Hall,1965年建立)  剑桥大学圣体学院(Corpus Christi College,1352年建立)  达尔文学院(Darwin College,1964年建立)  剑桥大学唐宁
2018-05-23 15:17:00

