



2017-08-28 15:30:00




  The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the 40 best universities in the world. Since 1915, UBC’s West Coast spirit has embraced innovation and challenged the status quo. Its entrepreneurial perspective encourages students, staff and faculty to challenge convention, lead discovery and explore new ways of learning. At UBC, bold thinking is given a place to develop into ideas that can change the world.

  As one of the world’s leading universities, the University of British Columbia creates an exceptional learning environment that fosters global citizenship, advances a civil and sustainable society, and supports outstanding research to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada and the world.

  At UBC, international engagement has always been a priority. Today, our students, faculty and staff come from around the world and our international research partnerships and publications help us collaborate on a global scale.Student exchanges and joint-degree programs continually expand our learning horizons and ensure we stay connected with top research talent and opportunities in the future.




  The heart of The University of British Columbia lies in its people—students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community—and our outstanding learning environment is the outcome of our relationships with one another.Learning takes place within the social and emotional context of each student’s life. Applying new research on education, UBC revolutionizes teaching practices in the classroom and expands learning opportunities outside of it: through community service learning, research and co-op experiences, internships and mentorships, international opportunities, and participation in a rewarding campus life.Through rigorous study within and across disciplines, students acquire the knowledge, inquiry and communication skills, professional abilities, and understanding of other cultures that enhance their personal development and enable them to contribute and lead in a global society.Transformative learning inspires students to flourish in their studies and stay connected with UBC as alumni. Together, faculty, staff, and students share the responsibility for bringing learning to life.


  英属哥伦比亚大学的心脏在于其人民 - 学生、员工、教师、校友和社区 - 我们卓越的学习环境是我们彼此之间关系的结果。学习是在每个学生的生活的社会和情感环境中进行的。应用新的教育研究,UBC彻底改变了教室的教学实践,扩大了学习机会:通过社区服务学习、研究、合作经验、实习指导、国际机会和参与有益的校园生活。通过学科内部的严格学习、学生掌握知识、探究和沟通能力、专业能力和对其他文化的理解来增强学生的个人发展,使他们能够在全球社会中做出贡献并领导。变革学习激发学生在学业中蓬勃发展,并与UBC保持联系作为校友。教师、工作人员和、学生共同分担着学习生活的责任。

  UBC is responsible for a quarter of all research conducted in British Columbia. Our strengths—including our interdisciplinary approach, commercialization record, and distributed medical program—point the way forward. Our challenge lies in asking ourselves again: How may we best think what nobody else has thought?Emerging areas of research excellence at UBC reflect some of the world’s most insistent themes in science, technology, social sciences, and the humanities. Finding answers to questions in these and all fields lies in improving the conditions for discovery: Increased knowledge exchange. Partnerships both local and global. A resilient infrastructure grounded in freedom and responsibility.UBC’s research excellence is a key economic driver, a draw for the world’s greatest minds, and an impetus for societal transformation—all that the University’s founders foresaw. We must now think what even they did not, and become more.


  UBC是负责的研究项目占不列颠哥伦比亚省进行的所有研究的四分之一。我们的优势 - 包括我们的跨学科方法、商业化记录、分布式医疗计划等等为学生指出前进的道路。我们的挑战在于再次问自己:我们怎么能最好地想到别人没有想到的呢?UBC的新兴研究领域反映了世界上科学、技术、社会科学和人文科学中最坚定的一些主题。寻找这些和所有领域的问题的答案在于改善发现的条件:增加知识交流。本地和全球的伙伴关系。基于自由和责任的有弹性的基础设施。UBC的卓越研究是一个关键的经济驱动因素,吸引世界上最伟大的人才,也是社会转型的动力 - 这一切都是大学创始人所预见的。我们想的不是我们什么不能做,而应该是做的更多。

  UBC exists for the communities it serves: local, provincial, national, and global. An integral part of those communities, the University enters into relationships where decisions about means and ends are made collaboratively, costs and benefits are shared, and learning is reciprocal.Beginning with interest and outreach and moving through engagement and empowerment, UBC recognizes degrees of commitment and nurtures relationships along the full spectrum.With multiple sites and a global reach, UBC dedicates its resources to dialogue and action on issues of public priority. As international acclaim for its community engagement grows, the University honours the time and effort that goes into building respectful community relationships and expands the notion of scholarship to embrace community engagement as both core to the university’s mission and foundational to excellent teaching, learning and research.Community engagement brings the full force of our combined experiences, expertise, and knowledge to bear on the salient questions of our time. Is there anything that, together, we cannot create?



  They are volunteers and partners. Ambassadors, advocates, and donors. Mentors to current students and lifelong learners. They live in Vancouver and Kelowna, across Canada, and all around the globe, and they work in every field imaginable. More than a quarter million in number, they embody the values, the knowledge, and the passion of the University, and its commitment to serve the world. They are UBC alumni, and they seek an even closer relationship with their alma mater. UBC is honoured to oblige.The University increases its capacity to involve alumni in meaningful ways. Through partnerships with faculties, student groups, and service providers, and with the support of individuals and communities worldwide, UBC develops programs for grads of every era. UBC builds connections between alumni and current students to foster a sense of community and continuity between generations.UBC is committed to a relationship of mutual contribution and benefit, confident that its effect will extend beyond any of our lifetimes.



  We are one humanity and each deeply different. We may find no better place in which to embrace this paradox than the university.Differences in values, circumstance, and intellectual viewpoint have incited humankind’s worst conflicts. Considered with respect, they afford great learning. Wholly embraced, they promise to be our greatest strength.UBC welcomes responsibility for promoting intercultural understanding on its campuses. Working to build community in diversity, the University strives to increase access for all and particularly for historically disadvantaged groups.UBC is a safe place for significant conversations across profound cultural difference. Positioned to engage a full range of local, national, and international experiences and perspectives, UBC collaborates to reduce conflict and generate sustainable solutions to the complex questions of our time.Our task is to re-imagine what UBC is and whom it serves, and to recognize that the University’s foundation is strengthened as the walls between us come down.



  Great universities are bridges between communities and continents. Hubs of intellectual and cultural interchange, they embody the values of respect and service while expanding opportunities for individuals to carry these values into the world.

  UBC recognizes the inherent power of international learning to reveal new worlds, open spirits, and change lives. The University builds on successes in international teaching, learning, research, and service to increase engagement at every level. International initiatives include research and institutional partnerships; community and overseas service; and international development ventures, all in regions strategically chosen to cultivate our strengths.

  The critical challenges of our day transcend borders. Our ability to address them depends on transcending borders, too: those dividing disciplines and nations. UBC assumes its responsibilities at the centre of dialogue and activity, leading an ethical approach and working with sister institutions to strengthen Canada’s role on the world stage.


  伟大的大学是社区和大陆之间的桥梁。知识和文化交流枢纽,他们体现了尊重和服务的价值观,同时扩大了个人将这些价值观运用到世界的机会。UBC认可国际学习的固有力量,揭示新世界、开放精神、改变生活。大学建立在国际教学、学习、研究和服务方面的成功,增加了各级的参与度。国际举措包括研究和机构伙伴关系; 社区和海外服务; 和国际发展企业,都在战略上选择培育我们的优势地区。我们这一天的关键挑战超越了边界。我们解决这些问题的能力也取决于超越边界:分裂学科和国家。UBC承担着对话和活动中心的责任,领导了道德的方法,并与姐妹机构合作,加强了加拿大在世界舞台上的作用。

  UBC’s workforce is 19,000 strong. That’s 19,000 unique worlds: individuals with their own families and friends, volunteer commitments, and myriad personal passions. Where they meet is at work, and together they have created not only a world-leading academic institution but also one of Canada’s best places to work.

  Recognizing that an organization is its people, UBC strives first to retain the faculty and staff who have shaped its present success and then to attract those who can best help it uphold the commitments made in this plan.

  UBC sustains an inclusive atmosphere of collegiality and respect by increasing its investment in the coordinated orientation of new recruits, development and recognition programs, health and well-being initiatives, and leader training and support.

  Spectacular natural surroundings and visionary campus plans help make UBC an outstanding place to work, learn, and live. But at the heart of UBC’s world are its people.



  UBC’s workforce is 19,000 strong. That’s 19,000 unique worlds: individuals with their own families and friends, volunteer commitments, and myriad personal passions. Where they meet is at work, and together they have created not only a world-leading academic institution but also one of Canada’s best places to work.

  Recognizing that an organization is its people, UBC strives first to retain the faculty and staff who have shaped its present success and then to attract those who can best help it uphold the commitments made in this plan.

  UBC sustains an inclusive atmosphere of collegiality and respect by increasing its investment in the coordinated orientation of new recruits, development and recognition programs, health and well-being initiatives, and leader training and support.

  Spectacular natural surroundings and visionary campus plans help make UBC an outstanding place to work, learn, and live. But at the heart of UBC’s world are its people.


  UBC认识到,为了满足社会的需求而不损害后代人的需求,需要在每个领域 - 生态,经济和社会方面最聪明的人才做出最大的努力。已经是全球可持续发展领导者,大学在国内率先建立了国际声誉:在温哥华和奥肯那根,UBC将学术,研究和运营的可持续性联系起来,成为一个活的实验室。财政资源谨慎,对社会的任务,UBC支持那些将确保大学的长期韧性及其为未来几代服务的能力的举措。大学创造了以成本为中心的方法,将可持续发展教学与学习纳入所有学科,并鼓励学生、教职员和教师将日常的可持续发展做法摆在大门之外。在课堂上、在校园计划、社区发展以及地方和全球的合作伙伴关系中,UBC体现了希望,我们可以留下我们一个值得我们孩子的拥有的世界。我们不是从祖辈那继承地球,而是替我们的孩子暂时管理地球。


  As one of the world’s top research universities, the University of British Columbia has created positive change at home and abroad for more than a century. Today our two major campuses—in Vancouver and the Okanagan—attract, nurture and transform more than 60,000 students from Canada and 140+ countries around the world.


  The University of British Columbia’s Vancouver campus is located at the western tip of the Point Grey Peninsula in the city of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.ore than 400 hectares in size, the stunning campus is surrounded by forest on three sides and ocean on the fourth, and is just a 30 minute bus ride to Vancouver's downtown core. The campus has been located on this site for most of its 100-year history; a location that is the traditional territory of the Musqueam people.The campus also has two additional sites, one in the heart of downtown Vancouver at Robson Square, and another at Great Northern Way.

  As a top-ranked research university, the Vancouver campus is home to some outstanding facilities, including:

  UBC Welcome Centre — the perfect place to start your journey on the Vancouver campus

  TRIUMF — one of the world’s leading laboratories for subatomic physics

  UBC Library — one of Canada’s leading academic libraries, with 21 branches and divisions on this campus

  The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts — one of the world’s great concert halls

  The Centre for Interactive Research in Sustainability (CIRS)

  The Arthur Erickson designed Museum of Anthropology — Canada’s largest teaching museum

  The Beaty Biodiversity Museum — home to Canada’s largest blue whale skeleton

  The world class UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research

  The UBC Farm — the only working farm in the city of Vancouver

  Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre — home to Thunderbird Ice Hockey and 2010 Winter Olympics Ice Hockey Venue

  Nitobe Memorial Garden — considered one of the top five Japanese Gardens outside of Japan


  英属哥伦比亚大学温哥华校区位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市的Point Gray Peninsula的西端。超过400公顷的大小,令人惊叹的校园四面环绕着三面森林,海洋四周环绕,距离温哥华市中心只有30分钟的巴士车程。校园一直位于该网站大部分的100年的历史 ; 这个地方是Musqueam人的传统领地。校园还有两个附加站点,一个位于温哥华市中心的罗布森广场,另一个位于北极大道。

  温哥华校区作为 排名最高的研究型大学,拥有一些优秀的设施,其中包括:

  UBC欢迎中心 - 在温哥华校区开始您的旅程的完美之地

  TRIUMF - 世界领先的亚原子物理实验室之一

  UBC图书馆 - 加拿大领先的学术图书馆之一,在这个校园里有21个分支机构

  陈表演艺术中心 - 世界上最棒的音乐厅之一


  亚瑟·埃里克森(Arthur Erickson)设计 了人类学博物馆 - 加拿大最大的教学博物馆

  Beaty生物多样性博物馆 - 加拿大最大的蓝鲸骨架

  世界级的 UBC植物园和植物研究中心

  UBC农场 - 温哥华市唯一的工作农场

  道格·米切尔雷鸟体育中心 - 雷鸟冰球和2010冬季奥运冰球场地


  The Okanagan campus is an intimate learning community embracing bold new ways of thinking that attract exceptional students and faculty. More than 8,300 students from throughout the Okanagan region, across Canada and 80 other countries are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs in eight faculties and schools.

  Purpose-built for the 21st century, the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus opened in Kelowna in 2005. UBC is one of North America’s largest public research and teaching institutions, and one of only two Canadian institutions consistently ranked among the world’s 40 best universities.

  With $14.5 million in annual research funding, and more than 600 research projects underway, the Okanagan campus is earning a reputation as an important, respected centre of learning and research, enhancing knowledge creation and innovation in our region and internationally.



  Teaching condition

  As one of the three top research universities in Canada, it offers a variety of syllabus (courses) and learning opportunities, and allows students to select courses freely to adapt to various scholars.The UBC regularly invites internationally renowned scholars and scientists to the school for academic reports, where students can learn about today's academic dynamics.School is equipped with the agricultural economics, zoology, forest resource management, computer science, nutrition, oil exploration engineering, geography, history, art, English, German research and so on more than 70 professional, can be awarded bachelor's degree, the double bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree.Secondary and special education teacher training and pre-employment training in law, medicine and dentistry is also one of the education contents of the school.

  The UBC has set up four federally funded research centers that focus on viral pathology, protein engineering, disease genetics and international development.The university of British Columbia for many years has been the only school in the western region to compete with the great universities of the two provinces.In fact, more than 60 percent of all research in British Columbia is conducted at the university of British Columbia.Because of such advantages, the school can provide students with lots of practical opportunities, especially the opportunity to combine theoretical learning with practical research.The school offers a wide range of majors and courses, and many disciplines such as biology are first-class in Canada and even in the world, and all the engineering majors are concentrated in applied sciences."Research" is the mainstream of UBC.

  In UBC, there are restaurants, small restaurants, bars, photocopy centers, gift shops, bowling alley, information desk, photography room, music room and women's center.In addition, there are International students center (International House), which can provide various services for overseas students.

  The Nitobe botanical garden of UBC enjoys a national reputation;The museum of anthropology here is one of the top 10 tourist attractions in the city of vancouver, with the best art and handicrafts of the entire northwest native culture of North America.The UBC also has a Marine biology research station, two research farms, one of the world's largest subatomic cyclotron, which has facilities that meet students' challenges to research.







  Undergraduate course

  Chemical and biological engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, environmental engineering, geological engineering, integrated engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, anthropology, Asian Studies, Canadian Studies, computer science, creative writing, cultural studies, drama, economics, family studies, film studies, French, health research, history, indigenous studies, international relations, linguistics, mathematics, music (performance, composition), philosophy, political research, psychology, visual art, drama research, women studies, accounting, business and computer science, business and economics, finance, business management, human resource management, management information system and marketing, real estate, transportation and logistics, computer science, dental hygiene, education, environment. Design, film production, clinical exercise physiology, community health, kinesiology and health science, health education, law, management, medical laboratory science, midwifery, animal biology, plant application / soil science applications, atmospheric science, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, cognitive system and Environment Earth and ocean science, ecological science, evolutionary biology, environmental chemistry, environmental science, environmental science, food and fresh water, general science, geology, geophysics, Mathematical Sciences, mathematics and economics, mathematics, microbiology and immunology, molecular / cellular chemistry, oceanography, pharmacy, physics, statistics, science, horticulture, animal economy, resources and environment, soil nutrition, food and nutrition science, forestry science, forest resource management, global resource management Management system, conservation of natural resources, nursing, deep processing of wooden products and social work



  Master Course

  Adult education, agricultural economics, animal science, anthropology, architecture, archival research, archival research and library information management, arts education, Asian Studies, astronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, hearing and speech science, biochemistry and molecular biology, material science, biological complex biomedical engineering, botany, chemistry, business management, children's literature, computer science, counseling psychology, craniofacial science, creative writing, digital media, early childhood education, economics, education management, education management and leadership, education research, electronic and computer engineering, engineering physics, English, experimental medicine, film production, film studies, art, food science, forestry, genetics, geography, geological engineering, geology, geophysics, health management, health science, higher education Pedagogy, history, family economic education, human development, human nutrition, landscape architecture, law, journalism, linguistics, mathematics, engineering mathematics, mathematics education, measurement and evaluation, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, microbiology and immunology, neuroscience, music, music education, nursing, occupation and environmental health, oceanography, pathology, pharmaceutical science, pharmacology, physical therapy, physics, planetary science, plant science, psychology, resource management and environmental studies, social work, sociology, software system, soil science, special education, statistics, women's studies, Animal Science







  不列颠哥伦比亚有七位诺贝尔奖得主,另有67位罗德学者来自英属哥伦比亚大学。此外,从1928年至2008年止,至少有230名英属哥伦比亚大学学生出赛奥林匹克运动会,赢得共63枚奖牌(18枚金牌、21枚银牌、24枚铜牌)。历史学家及作家L·S·斯塔夫里阿诺斯;历史学家及作家巴瑞·布赞;英国人文社会科学院院士Bruce Birmingham, MBA 1971 总裁; Bank of Nova ScotiaGreg Boland, BCom 1990 总裁和主席,West Face CapitalYvan Bourdeau, MBA 1972 总裁和主席,满地可证券Jeffrey Chen, MBA 1988 总监,ASE Inc.Bill Dalton, BCom 1971 总裁,汇丰银行Martin Glynn, MBA 1972 总裁和主席, 汇丰银行(加拿大)Lindsay Gordon, MBA 1976, 总裁 of 汇丰银行(加拿大)Frank Iacobucci, BCom 1961, 法官,加拿大最高法院, 多伦多大学法学院校长Robert (Bob) Lee, BCom 1956,主席, Prospero GroupV. Paul Lee, BCom 1987 首席运营官,Electronic Arts(EA) Canada and World Wide StudiosGeorge Malpass, BCom 1962, 主席与总裁, Primex Forest ProductsPedro Man, MBA 1981 总裁;星巴克亚洲 Starbucks Coffee Asia Pacific Ltd.John H. McArthur, BCom 1957, 校长, 哈佛商学院Harvard Business SchoolHenry McKinnell, BCom 1965, 主席与总裁, 辉瑞制药Pfizer Inc.Nadir Mohamed, BCom 1978, CEO,Rogers CommunicationsJohn S. Montalbano, BCom 1987, CEO, RBC Global Asset Management, Inc.Dave Mowat, BCom 1978, 主席与总裁ATB FinancialBen Rutledge, BCom 2006, Canadian rower and '08 Olympic gold-medalistGregg Saretsky, MBA 1984, 主席与总裁, 西方航空WestJetWilliam L. Sauder, BCom 1948, 主席; International Forest Products Ltd. and Sauder IndustriesKen Shields, BCom 1971,Rusty Goepel, BCom 1965,创始人, Goepel ShieldsJacki Zehner, BCom 1987, 高盛合伙人President ofWomen Moving Millions, 世界上成为高盛合伙人最年轻的










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美国高中留学利与弊 留美高中毕业
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00
  想去美国埃默里大学留学的小伙伴们,你们了解过美国埃默里大学吗?和出国留学网一起来看看吧,下面是小编为您整理的美国埃默里大学全面解析的相关资讯,希望对您有帮助。  美国埃默里大学Emory University 埃默里大学(爱默里大学)建于1836年,近一个世纪以来素享有“ 南哈佛 ” 的美誉。坐落于世界名城亚特兰大,依靠国际商业大财团可口可乐董事会的巨额资本,埃默里大学奠定了其世界性学术殿堂的地位,历史上也曾是全美十大老牌名校。  美国埃默里大学学校排名  身为九大新常春藤盟校的埃默里同样是2007年Kaplan/Newsweek《How to Get into College Guide
2017-08-10 16:50:00
乔治城大学创建于1789年,是美国最古老的耶稣会天主教大学之一。校园位于 美国首都华盛顿地区的市中心,坐落在风景美丽如画的乔治城以及波多马克河边,在白宫西北面两英里左右,是美国首都华盛顿特区声誉最高的综合性私立大学。立思辰留学介绍:在享受景致及探索华盛顿首府生活的同时,学生可以获得许多特别的机会及有价值的经验,而且乔治敦大学与联邦政府的 办公厅仅咫尺之隔,许多外国使节的子女都在这儿念书,赋予了该大学很浓的国际色彩,该大学也因此而获得了“政客乐园”的称 誉。据出国留学网小编了解,乔治城大学是美国门槛最高的大学之一,录取率仅为19%,低于八所老常春藤 名校中的Corn
2017-03-08 11:56:00
攻读美国经济学博士要求 经济学博
  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  大家都知道剑桥大学是世界名校,教学水平非常高,那么,去剑桥大学都可以学哪些专业?和出国留学网小编一起来看看英国剑桥大学学院设置一览表。  剑桥大学院校设置:  剑桥大学基督学院(Christ's College,1505年建立)  剑桥大学丘吉尔学院(Churchill College,1960年建立)  剑桥大学卡莱尔学院(Clare College,1326年建立)  剑桥大学卡莱尔学堂(Clare Hall,1965年建立)  剑桥大学圣体学院(Corpus Christi College,1352年建立)  达尔文学院(Darwin College,1964年建立)  剑桥大学唐宁
2018-05-23 15:17:00

